Aimee and Brian have worked together as RNs for a decade and a half - they've gone from colleagues, to fiancées, to soon-to-be husband and wife. Imagine working in healthcare AND planning a wedding this past year - **a round of applause for Aimee and Brian please.**
The sunny yellow of Aimee's dress paired so perfectly with the sun rising over downtown Osceola. Only a nurse could show up at 5:50 am looking as put together as Aimee was (photographer over here was still cradling her cup of coffee and rocking a bed-head ponytail).

My favorite sessions are those when my clients are so stinkin' into each other that I barely have a job to do. These two lovebirds were so natural together, and completely blew me away with that dramatic dip (Scroll down!) Best of the season, I tell you.

These colors are exactly what I think of when I imagine the perfect summer morning.

**Cue another round of applause**
He makes her so happy. I love my job.
Okay, I did not know such a high degree of romance was possible before 7 am on a Sunday.
But I have been proved wrong.
We wrapped up our session taking a morning stroll down their road. And of course, they had to get some shots in their scrubs!
I can't wait to capture what is sure to be a stunning wedding in September!