He wrote her a letter every month for 3 years. Sealed them, put them away, and saved them for this day.
To celebrate their dating anniversary, Nick convinced Briana to take a Friday afternoon off work for a secret date he planned.

Little did she know, Nick had been planning his proposal for months. Ring in pocket, nerves through the roof, they drove up to Taylors Falls to catch the sunset on this beautifully warm, March day.
I hiked out before they arrived and waited behind a rock in the least creepy way possible. Cameras at the ready, and so excited for these two.
Earlier in the afternoon, Nick had given Briana the collection of letters. Well, most of it. He saved one final letter and gave it to Briana when they reached the overlook. She read his words and looked up from the page to see him down on one knee, asking her to be his wife.
Of course we didn't pass up the opportunity to do a mini engagement session. The sun was shining, it was WARM for the first time in months, and these two couldn't have been happier. Just look at the way they're looking at each other. It doesn't get better than that.
And quite possibly my favorite part of the evening - when Nick told Briana they had reservations at The Melting Pot afterwards. Her reaction was the CUTEST.
Get you a fiancé that knows how much you love fondue.
Congratulations Nick and Briana!